
"I  want to voice my support for the museum that I served in varying capacities from 1958-67. A museum has to be a dynamic entity. It is not just bricks and mortar nor is it merely a repository for old forgotten items. I hope that out of this travail there will emerge a Museum ready to take on the demands of the 21st century for projecting Uganda\'s rich culture both within and outside Uganda. There is much to be proud of in Uganda. Its collections and some of its displays clearly show the development of Uganda. They must not be hidden or removed. It is an institution that has served Ugandans of all ethnicities for over 100 years. It is one of the genuine heartbeats of Africa. It is respected overseas. It demands support to create an active programme of conservation and acquisition to strengthen its collections and to reach out into all corners of Uganda. To be dynamic it needs a continuing home. It cannot be subsumed in a Ministry it has to have its recognizable identity and become a dynamic custodian for the Ugandan identity as expressed in its history, ethnic and performance arts, monuments and shrines." Merrick Posnansky